Welcome to CTIMS

Clinical Trials Integrated Match System (CTIMS)

CTIMS open source software is used for creating CTML files for representing clinical trials in a computer readable format called Clinical Trial Markup Language.

CTIMS project is the winner of the 2022-23 Princess Margaret Grand Challenge.


Nearly 25% of patients diagnosed with cancer at Princess Margaret Cancer Center are matched to clinical trials and play an important role in scientific discovery. The process to match patients to clinical trials is highly manual, enormously time consuming, and prone to error.

Matching patients to clinical trials is a highly manual and time consuming process – taking anywhere between 2 hours and 4 weeks to complete. This is often an iterative process and can lead to further delays.

CTIMS aims to:

  • Match eligible patients to clinical trials using automation

  • Decrease the time and resources required to find eligible study patients​

  • Support complex matching criteria using all aspects of a patient’s digital fingerprint ​

  • Create a scalable and responsive system to support clinical trials​


The CTIMS team is a collaboration between member of the Pugh Lab and the Cancer Digital Intelligence (CDI) team.

  • Principal Investigator: Trevor Pugh

  • CDI Leadership: Kelly Lane, Tran Truong, Benjamin Haibe-Kains

  • CTIMS Team: (Jag) Prasanna K Jagannathan, Marian Tang, Sharon Narine, Benjamin Grant, Anton Sukhovatkin, Mickey Ng, Pietro Andreolis, Srimathi Jayasimman, and Adam Badzynksi


For questions, technical support, feedback, or to register your account please contact the CTIMS team at cbioportal_group@uhnresearch.ca

Last updated